VISTA/CVR Postdoctoral Transition Fellowship
The VISTA/CVR Postdoctoral Transition Fellowships provide financial support our high-calibre postdoctoral scholars who are currently working under the supervision of a VISTA/CVR Core Member. These awards will help support our scholars as they prepare for, and transition to, the next stage of their careers.
Award Details
$70,000 for 1 year. In addition, annual research allowance $7,500 and annual networking allowance $1,000.
One competition per year.
Application Deadline:
The next application deadline will be on November 8, 2024.
All applicants must:
- Identify and confirm a VISTA/CVR Core Member as your supervisor.
- Be an existing postdoctoral fellow in VISTA or CVR who have been in their positions for at least 2 years as of September 1st, 2024.
Expectations of successful applicants
- Submit an annual progress report.
- Meet annually to discuss progress with your VISTA committee.
- Present progress annually at the VISTA research retreat.
- Apply for external funding (e.g. CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC).
- Regularly attend CVR seminars.
- Click here to apply
- Click here to complete the voluntary self-identification survey
- Two Letters of Reference
- Note that letters should be sent directly from Referees to applyvista@yorku.ca