
Trainee Welcome Package
This welcome package is meant to provide an overview about the many resources available for incoming VISTA Scholars such as how to set up a Passport York account and obtain a York email address, residency information, health care plans, expense claim reimbursement, and much more.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Our MRI facility offers access to high field, full-service MRI capacity at York University. We have a 3T Siemens Prisma fit with extensive MR compatible research tools and a full-time medical MRI Technologist. We support R & D phase medical device development and technology. We also support academic research with a specialty in neuroimaging. We allow extensive windows of scanner time enabling faster and more cost-effective turn-around for research, product development, and testing.

Electroencephalography (EEG)
EEG measures the brain's electrical activity using electrodes placed at the scalp. A MagStim EGI high-density EEG system can be found in the Kohler Visual Neuroscience Lab in the Lassonde Building. This system collects data from 128 sponge-based scalp electrodes that are easy to apply and practical for use with participants across the lifespan, from infants to seniors, as well as with neuroatypical populations. Members who are interested in collecting EEG data can reach out to Peter Kohler.

Machine Shop
VISTA offers its members access to different types of machinery. Whether is to create, repair, maintain new or existing equipment and parts, all members are welcome to use them. A list of machines can be found in this PDF. Members who are interested to access this facility can reach out to Chris Giverin or Xiaogang Yan and must complete the safety training.

Commercialization Support
VISTA supports members bring their early-stage intellectual property from the lab to the market and into people’s hands. Members have access to funds to support the development of a prototype (hardware or software) that will lead to the commercialization of a product. If you are seeking to leverage your research through commercialization grant funding, intellectual property protection, and business development leading to licensing opportunities or start-up creation, we encourage you to reach out to Mandira Das.

We offer professional development workshops to support members by sharing knowledge, creating awareness, and introducing new strategies to publish or showcase their scientific work. Currently, workshops are held online until further notice. Past sessions can be found under the Events tab. If there is a topic that you would like to see covered, please email Caitlin Mullin.

Pavlovia License
Pavlovia is an online platform for researchers in the behavioural sciences to run, share and explore experiments online. VISTA members who are interested in obtaining access can contact Erez Freud.