
Video - Robert Allison & Taking VR to the 'Next Level'

Virtual reality is a new way to watch, but technology isn't enough, says one expert. We also need fresh approaches to make it compelling. “T ...

Visual-Conceptual Processing Interactions

Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Visual-Conceptual Processing Interactions Dr. Caitlin Mullin is the recipient of the first VISTA Distinguished P ...

Video - Denise Henriques & Accessible Design

Point-to-point reaching is a lot more complex than it may seem. Understanding it can help countless people better interact with their world. ...

High Sensitivity Roadside Cannabis Screening

VISTA Associate Member Nima Tabatabaei has received a $50,000 Prototyping Fund to develop a non-invasive roadside test for cannabis use dete ...


Video - Rick Wildes & Processing Images

What does it mean to "see"? The answer might help us train artificial systems to analyze the staggering volume of videos online. “We’re tryi ...

Mobility Assessment Technology Tool (MATT)

Dr. Lauren Sergio, a VISTA Core Member, and her team have recently developed a tool that assesses decline in mobility in aging patients. The ...

Video – Doug Crawford & What Do You See?

Vision shapes so much of people's interaction with the world. One researcher is delving into how it all works in a unique way. So much of th ...