

VISTA is breaking new ground on fundamental and applied research in the vision sciences.

Our interdisciplinary approach, spanning visual neuroscience to computer vision and beyond, will create impact through strategic collaboration with our partners from around the globe. VISTA provides important graduate, post-doctoral, and researcher funding opportunities to enable cutting-edge research, and will create knowledge and technologies that will help people live healthier, safer, and more productive lives.

advancingvision research

VISTA is advancing interdisciplinary vision research at York University across the following Faculties:

Faculty of


Neuroscience, Kinesiology & Psychology.

Lassonde School

of Engineering

Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, AI and Machine Learning.

Faculty of


Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.

Liberal Arts &

Professional Studies

Philosophy, IT & Computational Linguistics.

Arts, Media, Performance

& Design

Disability Studies, Computational Arts, Visual Arts and Film.


Neural Processes in Motor Adaptation

The Neural Processes in Visually Driven, Explicit Motor Adaptation. "It wasn’t me: External source attribution effects on hand-position esti ...

Kinesthetic Creativity in Virtual Reality

VISTA Master’s Scholarship winner, Sarah Vollmer, is the first digital arts and computer science trainee in the VISTA program. Her project s ...

Distributed Functional Cell Assemblies

Dynamic spike-field signatures of distributed functional cell assemblies. VISTA Travel Awards are available not only for Project Investigato ...

The German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders

Dr. Denise Henriques, VISTA Training Committee Lead and Core Researcher, received a VISTA Travel Award to collaborate with German researcher ...

Vision-Based Diver Robot Interactions at Depth

Lassonde School of Engineering graduate student Robert Codd-Downey received a VISTA Doctoral Scholarship in early 2017. His research is supe ...

Vection and the International Space Station

The Vection team is led by Core Researcher, Laurence Harris, and includes Core Researchers Michael Jenkin and Robert Allison from the Depart ...