Tag Archives: Kinesiology

Neural Processes in Motor Adaptation

The Neural Processes in Visually Driven, Explicit Motor Adaptation. "It wasn’t me: External source attribution effects on hand-position estimates." People constantly adapt movements to dynamic conditions within both the environment and our own body, while taking the source of errors into account. In Denise Henriques’ lab, we investigate adaptation of reaching movements by altering visual […]

Video - Matthew Kyan & Deciphering Health and History

Machine learning tools can sift through huge databases of photos and video, helping archive historical objects and interpret medical images. Cameras are everywhere these days: capturing everyday moments, recording exceptional events and objects, and helping doctors take a closer look at our bodies when we’re sick. But while we’re very good at collecting this information, it […]

Mobility Assessment Technology Tool (MATT)

Dr. Lauren Sergio, a VISTA Core Member, and her team have recently developed a tool that assesses decline in mobility in aging patients. The Mobility Assessment Technology Tool (MATT) is a user-friendly, low-cost, non-invasive, computerized vision system that objectively and reproducibly measures gait or balance mobility of a patient based on the standard Tinetti kinesiology […]