Tag Archives: Neuroscience

Neuroimaging to Understand Action and Coordination

Modulation of large-scale brain systems using network-based neuroimaging and non-invasive brain stimulation to understand and improve goal-directed cognition and action. The relationship between what our eyes see and the brain heavily influences our understanding and ability to physically react to our world. While hand-eye coordination has been studied for thousands of years little is understood […]

Neural Processes in Motor Adaptation

The Neural Processes in Visually Driven, Explicit Motor Adaptation. "It wasn’t me: External source attribution effects on hand-position estimates." People constantly adapt movements to dynamic conditions within both the environment and our own body, while taking the source of errors into account. In Denise Henriques’ lab, we investigate adaptation of reaching movements by altering visual […]

Video - How 'Double Vision' Can Be a Good Thing

A pair of York University collaborators are showing how a cross-disciplinary approach can help solve some tough vision-related challenges. In the quest to keep improving on cutting-edge technologies, it’s important not to lose sight of opportunities to use technological innovations to improve people’s lives. Collaborators Doug Crawford and Richard Wildes are both researchers at York University’s Vision: Science to Applications […]

Video - Matthew Kyan & Deciphering Health and History

Machine learning tools can sift through huge databases of photos and video, helping archive historical objects and interpret medical images. Cameras are everywhere these days: capturing everyday moments, recording exceptional events and objects, and helping doctors take a closer look at our bodies when we’re sick. But while we’re very good at collecting this information, it […]

Vection and the International Space Station

The Vection team is led by Core Researcher, Laurence Harris, and includes Core Researchers Michael Jenkin and Robert Allison from the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. VISTA Postdoctoral Fellow Nils-Alexander Bury and graduate student Meaghan McManus are also contributors to the project. The team aims to find out how visual information creates the […]

Visual-Conceptual Processing Interactions

Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Visual-Conceptual Processing Interactions Dr. Caitlin Mullin is the recipient of the first VISTA Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship and is the Trainee Representative on the VISTA Leadership Committee. In 2018, she joined the lab of VISTA Core Member, Dale Stevens, with a research focus on “Characterizing the Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Visual-Conceptual Processing Interactions”. Mullin […]